Tips, Vendors, and Inspiration

Our adventure through the meeting and events world!

Welcome to our blog and thank you for joining us! The RME blog is going to be split into 3 categories: RME, Ideas & Tips, and Spotlight. We’re not just focusing on us, our goal is to share our knowledge and experience with all of you, whether its helpful tips or one of our favorite vendors.


RME covers all things Regal. Whether it’s team interviews or our charity work, this is where you will find updates about our company.

Ideas & Tips

The Ideas & Tips category contains our most important posts. This is where we share some of our helpful tips and creative ideas that we use daily for our programs. Not only will these posts share processes and how-tos but they will also share document templates that we use for our clients. So if your looking for a welcome letter template or the best ways to QC a departure manifest, this is the spot.


Vendors are an integral part of our business. This category will share some of our favorite vendors from around the world. The posts will include descriptions, media, and contact info that will help you decide if these vendors will be a great fit for your program.